
"ಕರ ಮುಗಿದವರಿಗೆ
ಕಡ ಮುಟ್ಟಿಸುವೆ"

Datta Mantra
ShrI Guru dattaswarupi padmatai
Gurudatta Mandir,Hosur
Shri Sannidhi Ashram, Kyarkoppa
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1) Which day of the week Homa is been performed
A) The Homa is performed every day in the morning at Shri Sannidhi Ashram
2) When do we seek to our queries to Shri Dattaswarupi Padmatai ( Vani through Vidhyadharteertha Guruji)
A) Every Sunday of the week, Morning after Purnahuti and Aarti and Afternoon after Aarti
3) When can we hear discourse "Suvarna Swaranjali" from Guruji?
A) Every Sunday between 11.45 AM to 12.45 PM
4) Is Dasoha available on all days?
A) No, Dasoha for devotees is available on only Sunday's
5) Do we have bus-stop to board/alight near Sannidhi
A) Yes , The bus-stop is called Shri Sannidhi Ashram bus stop, just before the Kyarkoppa village bus stop
6) How many pradakshinas to be done to Audumbar?
A) Until specifically told to anyone on the number of pradakshinas by Guruji, the default number of pradakshinas is 11. Please note that pradakshinas are done anticlockwise direction
7) How many pradakshinas to the Homa Kunda ?
A) Pradakshinas to the Homa Kunda would be mentioned by Guruji after the Purnahuti.
8) How many pradakshinas to the Bhasma Kunda ?
A) It will be usually 1 anti-clockwise direction pradakshina , unlessanything specified by Guruji
9) Will Sannidhi Ashram be open during lockdown?
A) The Sannidhi Ashram will operate as per the guidelines from the Government. Please watch our News and Events section for any instructions
10) Is social distancing and other hygiene maintained ?
A) Yes Social distancing , wearing masks and keeping hygiene with self and on premises is utmost important and mandatory.
11) Is Dasoha at Ashrama is maintained as per hygiene guidelines ?
A) Yes, the swayamsevak's usually prepare the Prasadam for Dasoha and utmost care is taken during preparations and serving
12) Where can I donate to Ashram activities, Sevas,Dasoha
A) Two separate trusts are formed . The Donation details and trust account details is available on Donations page in this website
13) Will I be eligible for 80G income tax exemptions for the donations made?
A) Only Dattaswarupi Padmatai Seva Samithi Trust is recognised U/s 12AA of the IT ACT & Donations to the trust is entitled for exemption U/s 80G of the I T ACT
NOTE : Shri Sannidhi Gurudatta Dasoha Trust s not recognised for tax exemptions
14) Is there any payment to be done for downloading songs and books or any Downloadable media?
A) There is no certain payment required for downloading , however anybody can donate at their strength and will for development of Ashrama and Mandir and aid Dasoha activities . Please visit Donations page on this website if any one willng to donate
15) Where can we get Padmatai Gurucharitre book?
A) The book is available only at Shri Sannidhi Ashrama and can be purchased at the counter for books, photos, CDs, photoframes
The book or any kind of temple memorabilia can be purchased by messaging on WhatsApp to the number 9448184222 . The process of payment and the delivery will be advised . Delivery and Shipping charges will be informed as per the location requested
16) Is there any timings that I need to adhere to visit Shri Sannidhi Ashram or Shri Kshetra Hosur Padmatai Datta mandir?
A) Shri Sannidhi Ashram
Mon to Saturday- Morning 8 AM to 9 AM. Evening 7 PM to 8 PM
Sunday - Morning 8 AM till 3 PM
Shri Kshetra Hosur Shri Padmatai Gurudatta Mandir
Mon to Sunday - Morning -
Evening -
17) Is Homa performed daily at Shrikshetra Hosur Shri Padmatai Gurudatta Mandir ?
A) No, Homa is performed only during special occasions such as Datta Jayanti, Guru Poornima, Please visit our News and Events page for updates on the Date of such special festivals and celebrations.